原帖由 yvjfhm 於 27-4-2007 00:30 發表
sorry要糾正一下,Roger Moore其實係007作者Ian Fleming的占士邦心水之選,但因為羅渣摩亞跟「俠聖」有合約,才選了辛康納利。直到鐵金剛大破鑽石黨後Sean Connery正式唔再演007,Roger Moore終於奪 ...
其實亦有另一說法, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roger_Moore
There are many apocryphal stories as to when Moore's name was first dropped as a possible candidate for the role of James Bond. Some sources, specifically Albert R. Broccoli from his autobiography When The Snow Melts, claim that Moore was considered for Dr. No, and that he was Ian Fleming's favorite for the role after apparently having seen Moore as Simon Templar in The Saint; however, this story is often debunked by fans and Bond-film historians, who point to the fact that the series did not begin airing in the United Kingdom until October 4, 1962 - only one day before the premiere of Dr. No.
Other sources, such as the insert for the special edition DVDs, claim that Moore was passed over for Bond in favour of someone who was older. As Moore is older than Sean Connery, this is probably not true. Publicly, Moore wasn't linked to the role of 007 until 1967, when Harry Saltzman claimed he would make a good Bond, but also displayed misgivings due to his popularity as Simon Templar. Nevertheless, Moore was finally cast as James Bond in Live and Let Die (1973).