ì©«¥Ñ ¶W¤H¥S§Ì ©ó 30-11-2009 21:31 µoªí
o¦X~~o¦X.....¥¿½T !§ÚçÜÉA±z³£ª¾o¬J!? «n¤GÓ¥ª»»¥kÂ\¦æ¨Ó¦æ¥ho¥ÌÁå! °µÉAn·QݯªðShiawaseÓ©«??
ì©«¥Ñ celia ©ó 29-11-2009 11:24 µoªí
¶W¤H±z¬J¤Û·Q¤O³£¦nFung Fool (·QݯªðShiawaseÓ©«¦ý¤Ó¦hݯøøªðtim ) ±z¸Ü¤¬Áå«Y«}¤j®a¤¬¬ÛÁå¦í¹ï¤è±øÀV¦n¦×ºòËÝÁ徤Áå¥h§r
¶W¤H¥S§Ì, it's because I once used the phrase "Fung Fool" ah mar (because I forgot how to write "Fung Fool" in chinese at that time, so i wrote those two english words instead lor
), and celia was using the same phrase in her earlier post, that's why she said she wanted to find the original ©« that I first started using that phrase lor, "ming boo ming bai"?