

原帖由 spectreman 於 14-9-2006 17:36 發表 有冇FANS睇過套劇嚗@場版?雖然好濃縮,但好正!冇太大修改,好過柔道小金剛。
有呀! 我好耐之前買左隻濃縮版真係"正"架!


係"麗的"都有套講打排球ga wor~ "板口良子"做架, 其實係"青春火花" 第二輯, 因為日本版個名都係一樣!


どういたしまして! (You are welcome) spectreman san!


d同學話我似jer~ 咁我好鍾意睇日劇同日本偶像and打機, 咪去左讀日文傍吓身lor~


原帖由 spectreman 於 24-9-2006 11:56 發表 日文上有疑難,可否M妳幫鴾漵O?
冇問題ar~ 幫得到一定幫既!


原帖由 高立 於 24-9-2006 23:13 發表 呢套我都揾倒啦 ! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g-ubnbWN8AQ
好野呀! 高立兄你又立左大功喇!


原帖由 auxair 於 3-10-2006 13:31 發表 Spectreman...let's forever hold on to our sweet childhood memory lar ... she's 58 la.... Would milmil be so kind to give us a hint as ...
1948 Osaka origin. Blue studying Dutch institute high school graduation. "青春とはなんだ" &"サインはV" and many popular program still was stong. Became the mother of marriage and 1 child and had suspended business, but again opened the activity to take in 1989 businessman. But there"re nothing to say her business just talking about she keep her perform high quality and enthusiastic. Also introduce her book 失敗なんて怖くない (失敗怎麼我們不恐懼)


原帖由 spectreman 於 4-10-2006 11:44 發表 milmil, my thanks to you for making the translation to enable us, the Jap. language illiterate at least read to know what's on. Thank you again
You are welcome!!!!!


原帖由 auxair 於 17-10-2006 23:51 發表 http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E8%8C%83%E6%96%87%E9%9B%80 Time for milmil to extend her kind assistance! Her academic background seemed to be rather outstanding when compared to other japanese ...
hi hi AUXAIR! You really too crossed think highly of me, then I use my limited knowledge to translated but I think is too long for here, so i'm just translated some paragraphs for you guys. 范文雀 had been born in April 15, 1948 - November 5, 2002, becomes evenly from the 昭和 the deadline to 平成 times actress. About her name “文雀” that mean “The way it to become likely beautiful” With the Chinese musician's parents, she’s the birth in the Hiroshima city (廣島市). Proposed the Hiroshima station house is close and nearby glory bridge. It moves when the elementary school students to Tokyo. In 1969, Spring Female University (清泉女子大學) England Separate unit after graduation. Enters outside the Sophia University (上智大學) the national language department further education but after that she’s cares for to work as the actress in 1970. After she meant with devotes in remains the school the middle of the road line and the actress industry in is open for her actress business. In 1968 she was carried out [特別機動捜査隊] the network by the small role and the first performance and engaged in on 12 May ,1969, stage [ハン・ザ・摩耶] with [プレイガール (戲劇女孩)] to display when the Tokyo channel at the television drama to complete 12 Channel broadcasts 22 September , 1969 she again establishment to TBS [サインはV (青春火花)] suddenly she’s becomes the popular person. 日本テレビ (Japanese TV) in [2丁目3]when her human starting to famous although she married with Satoshi Terao(寺尾聰) on 1973. *Special “寺尾聰” famous song “ルビーの指環” in Chinese song from 威利 and famous film “夢”(黑澤明)* 范文雀 left the entertainment and they’re divorced in 1974, return to the entertainment. She’s death on 5th November 2002 in stays in the hospital for the heart failure inspection period passes. Died at the age of 55. Her death is human's so sudden occurrence which is left over and died. Many people are feels sad.


原帖由 spectreman 於 18-10-2006 08:17 發表 Thanks to auxair for the lead first. It seems she's from China with a few Chinese words that one can read/understand. Wow, she's from Sophia University! Well, very well academically qualif ...
hi spectreman! u so smart i'm back to hk la~ please enjoy my translation for 范文雀!!!!! i think u in macau to watching 板本龍一 la~

