

Ha ha....didn't expect to see this here.....must be ¦ÑµØ¾ô......yep, that place is haunted.My friend's family owned part of ·s¥ú....she told me all the scary things about that building. Yep....that was a morgue before. She said the place was so bad, they have to leave the roof opened when building the place and leave the sun to shine on it for a whole week before carry on finishing the roof part.....and it still didn't work.


­ì©«¥Ñ beechan ©ó 17-8-2007 12:16 µoªí «e¨­ §ï«Ø§ï¦W¦¨¬° °­¬G³¡¥÷¥Ñ¨ä¥¦¤HÁ¿ ¡]¬~¦Õ®¥Å¥¡^
The first photo is not the original one.....let me see if I can find one for you. The place was so haunted nobody wants to Â\³ß°s there. Plus the place was getting old. So it went out of business and was lefted empty for awhile. It was then turned into some kind of flee market....finally got renovate to the first photo you got there. [ ¥»©«³Ì«á¥Ñ fumoon ©ó 17-8-2007 13:48 ½s¿è ]


You guys might know, waiters gets to ¸¨³õ between 3:30 ~ 5:00 when working in °s¼Ó. The funny thing about ·s¥ú was that nobody will stay in the building if they don't have to. Sometimes if there's 3 or 4 of them lefted there, they will stay only on the first floor. One time there was this new waiter that doesn't know what's going on in that building. He went upstairs and put 3 chairs side by side and tried to take a nap. It only took 5 minutes before he came screaming down the stairs....he claims someone pulled out the middle chair and made him felt to the floor. People who worked there before said that there was always this 'blood' smell in the basement all the time too.


I don't know......that place was closed down like 10(?) years ago..... haven't heard anything from the new place.......

