

­ì©«¥Ñ inabottle ©ó 4-8-2008 23:24 µoªí   ½T«Y ...... ·í¦~¦Û¸ê¥Xcassette... ¤£­p¦^¥», ¹w咗»k¿ú³£¤£­p ...... ¹F¦¨¤FÊ\¬J¹Ú·Q......§Q®`


You can release a CD too... ar_woo will buy one


Actually Mr. Ha wouldn't have to spend all this money if there was YouTube in his era...


­ì©«¥Ñ inabottle ©ó 5-8-2008 01:21 µoªí    copied: You can release a CD too... many oldcakes will buy   ·í®ÉÊ\­ø²z¦^¥»­ø¦^¥»......¦p·Ó¼Ó¤W   '¾Ú­»´ä¹q¥x¸`¥Ø¡m¯u­µ¼Ö¡nªº¥D«ù¤H¦V³·Ãh¾Ð­z¡A¡m¬°¤Fè°è°¡n¥d ...


Just put your è°è° picture on the CD box and the "music in-a-bottle" album may sell over 1.5M copies And in terms of voice, I'm sure you can sing much better than this: (what did he do to my favorite song... )




­ì©«¥Ñ inabottle ©ó 5-8-2008 01:44 µoªí   §A¦³µL......Å¥«{Ê\°Û§¹¬°¤î? ¦nºG§r...¦pªG§A¦³ªº¸Ü   ªüwoo§A¤@©w°Û±o¦n¹LÊ\    


  Yes I listened to the whole thing, hoping he would get better


He seems to have trouble controlling his left hand


But I have to thank him, now I'm not too afraid to post my own version.... will record it next time I go sing K and post here


­ì©«¥Ñ inabottle ©ó 5-8-2008 02:01 µoªí   wow   ¬è«Ýwoo woO¥X³õ   


OK, coming soon


need to get some sleep now, good night!

