探偵物語電影主題歌 http://www.zshare.net/audio/366497641a259c/
原帖由 hongkongman 於 26-12-2008 00:43 發表 日版溤寳寳 藥師丸博子 唱 :水手裝 與 機關槍 http://i314.photobucket.com/albums/ll417/hongkongman_photo/th_2007.jpg
原帖由 hongkongman 於 26-12-2008 01:28 發表 80年代東芝cm和現在的様分別很大?http://i314.photobucket.com/albums/ll417/hongkongman_photo/th_198XCOREFSL.jpg
原帖由 hongkongman 於 19-1-2009 02:06 發表 走哂樣! 睇番在香港仔拍攝的video .好正. Let us go to good memory from this rare video. 有親切感嗎? how about a woo do you still love&nb ...
hahaha I dunno ar, I'm very confused after seeing her 溤寳寳 look let me think think.......
原帖由 hongkongman 於 19-1-2009 02:06 發表 走哂樣! 睇番在香港仔拍攝的video .好正. Let us go to good memory from this rare video. 有親切感嗎? how about a woo do you still love&nb ...
I used to love her very much and must see her everyday... here's the proof (a picture of my school dormitory in 1986) I believed she was the cutest person in the whole world and everyone must buy this poster
[ 本帖最後由 ar_woo 於 31-1-2009 14:27 編輯 ]
原帖由 ar_woo 於 31-1-2009 14:24 發表 I used to love her very much and must see her everyday... here's the proof (a picture of my school dormitory in 1986) I believed she was the cutest person in the whole world and every ...
She looks a bit like 李麗珍 in that poster
same type, yes...... (ar_woo's favorite type )
[ 本帖最後由 Diamond 於 17-3-2009 11:19 編輯 ]我到E+都仲咁鐘意佢隻「水手制服機關槍」!
[ 本帖最後由 矢作省吾 於 2-4-2009 08:29 編輯 ]
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